
Business Networking Rockland County NY BNI Member

DevineDesign is a BNI® member. We’ve found BNI helps us find new business and new leads- BUT it also helps us focus on our business in a way we never had time for, previously.

BNI® has helped grow our bottom line, and has also helped us meet interesting, like-minded business people throughout the Rockland County area. BNI® has, without a doubt, helped our company make valuable and valued connections.

You’re invited to join us for coffee any given Friday. BNI Enterprise meets at the Nanuet Diner: 120 W Route 59 Nanuet, NY 10954. We meet at 6:50am, and we’re done and out the door by 8:30am. Meetings are efficient and useful. No strings. No pressure.

Bring about 45 business cards, let us know about what you do, and how we can help your business grow!

Any questions, give me a call at 845-783-9291. Click here for the BNI Enterprise website.

Let Devine Design promote your business, organization or association with a great looking custom-designed website that contains important content, looks great, functions seamlessly, and is search engine friendly. Call us at 845-783-9291 or contact us here.

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