The puzzle resets every night at midnight, and each new puzzle has varying difficulty. Sometimes, the answers are apparent, and sometimes, they are very challenging.
I often play at midnight, when the new game magically appears. Or more typically, I play at 3 am, affectionately known as Pee O’Clock in my house.
When I open a new game, I typically don’t see all four connections immediately. I click on the one or two sets I can get, then close my iPad and wait until morning to continue the game.
In the morning, I see the game in a new light. Connections that I missed are now clear. It’s weird, but my eyes seem renewed. Connections I did not see or consider before are now obvious.
I’ve experimented with playing Connections at other times of the day to be sure it’s not just my tired eyes/ mind versus my fresh eyes/ mind. But no matter what time of day I try Connections, taking a break and looking at it with fresh eyes makes all the difference.
It’s time I apply this concept to other aspects of my life.
You know what I mean?