Chester Agricultural Center

Client: Chester Agricultural Center

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Text, Logo, Website Hosting, Website Updates, 2023 Website Redesigned

Website for Chester Agricultural Center features information on their participating farms and farmers, about the Center, history, special events and more.

From The Website:
“Situated on more than 270 acres of Orange County’s extremely fertile black dirt, the Chester Agricultural Center is conserving prime farmland, making it available on long-term affordable leases and putting it to its best use: growing clean, local food using organic management practices.

The CAC is working to build a stronger and more equitable regional food system, and a regenerative thriving local economy. Area farmers, leaders, values-aligned non-profit organizations and other stakeholders have stepped forward in support. The Center promotes greater awareness among farmers, workers, social investors and the community of the challenges and opportunities in the current farm-labor economy.”

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