
Client: Dinner4KidsOC

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Edit/Website Text, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for Dinner4KidsOC.org. Many local children go to bed hungry every night. Many don’t have access to nutritious meals, and they are malnourished. Dinners4KidsOC.org is working to help prepare and deliver hot, delicious, and nutritious meals to children in need throughout our area. This site has lots of great info, link to sponsor/and or donate, how to help, photos, and more.

From The Website:
“Area school nurses and school social workers identify at-risk children in our local area. Dinners4KidsOC.org, partnering with the Empire Diner in Monroe, provides these families with fresh, kid-approved, nutritious, delicious, and balanced dinners.

The Empire Diner packages the meals in microwave-safe containers that are easy for children to heat on their own. Volunteers deliver the dinners to each home, following safety and health protocols.”

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