Hudson Valley Landscape Photography

Client: Hudson Valley Landscape Photography | Angelo Marcialis

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Training

Website for Hudson Valley Landscape Photography features Angelo Marcialis’ stunning photography. On this site you’ll find lots of sortable portfolios, great quality images that are right-click-disabled to help prevent theft of the images, links to his online store for purchase, bio, news and more. Clean palette helps the image pop!

From The Website:
“In just a few short years, my photographs have been featured on various websites, social media platforms, magazines, travel guides, newspapers, and newsletters. They have been used for raffle items at fundraising functions as well. I look forward to my continued growth in the visual documentation of the beautiful Hudson Valley in New York.
I appreciate your taking the time to look at my photographs, and I hope that you enjoyed viewing them as much as I did in taking them.”

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