K&B Home Solutions

Client: K&B Home Solutions

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Text, Logo Refinement, Website Hosting, Website Updates

Website for K&B Home Solutions, Hawthorne, NJ. This site showcases their lovely work, in galleries, as projects and blog posts. The site features a lot of info about who they are, what they do, and their design/ construction capabilities. We worked with Write On Point SEO on this project.

From The Website:
“Specializing in High-End Designs and Quality Craftsmanship
For Homes of Diverse Sizes and Architecture. K&B Home Solutions builds and renovates luxury custom homes throughout the Bergen County area. Our reputation as a respected builder is founded on our commitment to provide individualized attention to each project, continuous focus on the smallest of details, and mission to make the construction process as seamless as possible.”

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