Kim Starks Realtor

Client: Kim Starks Realtor

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Logo, Website Updates, Hosting

Website for Kim Starks Realtor, based in Warwick NY. This website features current listings, about Kim, testimonials, a great blog post, some of Kim’s featured listings, MLS link and more.

From The Website:
“I’ve been a Warwick NY resident for over 30 years. I work here, raised our children here, and love living in the area. My passions include gardening, hiking, cooking and being outdoors. I love that we have so many independent shops, stores and restaurants right here. I have been and continue to be involved in community, business and school services. I’m confident that my appreciation, knowledge and expertise of the area will be beneficial to you.”

Looking for a website that works hard for your company?  Start here, with Devine Design’s online questionnaire form. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete, and really helps us understand what you have in mind for your company’s new website. Click here. 

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