Nyack EMS

Client: Nyack Community Ambulance Corps
What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for Nyack Community Ambulance Corps, Nyack NY. The site features all of their services, how to get involved, online applications, departments, who to contact, online minutes from meetings, member-only login page, documents, Google calendar embedded and more.

From The Website:
“Welcome to Nyack Community Ambulance Corps, a volunteer organization in Rockland County, in the lower Hudson Valley of New York State. We are neighbors helping neighbors, giving our time, energy, and love to keep our community safe around the clock. Read more about us, click here.

Our members range in age from young high school students in our Youth Corps, to men and women 60+ still actively responding to emergency calls or contributing in many other ways to our organization, which has been protecting and serving the historic Nyack Village since 1939.”

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