PA Rhino Conservation Advocates/PARCA

Client: PA Rhino Conservation Advocates/PARCA

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Text Edits, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for PA Rhino Conservation Advocates/PARCA. The site features information about their mission to protect rhinos, about their annual trips and projects, fundraisers, media resources and more. The site features beautiful photos too!

From The Website:
“Mission: PA Rhino Conservation Advocates, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to fund the relocation and protection of wild rhinos, fund the care of young rhinos orphaned by poaching, and raise public awareness about their plight. Vision: We envision a world where the rhinoceros lives free from the threat of extinction in natural habitats that are preserved forever.”

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