Spa Tech

Client: Spa Tech

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website text editing, Website Hosting, Website Updates, Logo and Maintenance.

Website for Spa Tech LLC. The site features all of Jim’s spa services including repairing and retro-fitting all brands of spas/hot tubs, jetted whirlpool baths and Jacuzzis, (excellent ) reviews for his work, a very useful FAQ and more.

From The Website:
“Your spa is an investment in your good health. It’s an expense, but we know it’s worth it. Keep your spa, hot tub, jetted pool or Jacuzzi in good working order with SpaTech. We will will repair and rebuild your spa, and keep it going for years to come.

With good care there’s no reason that most hot tubs can’t last 25+ years. In fact, many of the tubs we service are older than 20 years.

If you have a mechanical, plumbing or electronic problem with your spa, hot tub, jetted pool or Jacuzzi call Jim.”

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