Sugar Loaf NY Chamber of Commerce

Client: Sugar Loaf NY Arts & Crafts Village Chamber of Commerce

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Text, Photo Selection, Organizing of Business Listings, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for Sugar Loaf NY Arts & Crafts Village Chamber of Commerce. The fact that we also LOVE Sugar Loaf made creating this unique site a really enjoyable task! The site features info about the hamlet, info on each member shop, store and restaurant, special events, joining the chamber, online payments and more.

From The Website:
“Sugar Loaf NY is a picturesque, historic hamlet located in the Hudson Valley, in Orange County, NY. You’ll find shops, eateries, open space, gorgeous views and plenty of surprises!

For the last half century, Sugar Loaf, NY has been well-known as a lively artists’ community. We have dozens of craftspeople and artisans who work and/or live in the buildings and barns that line our streets. Some of these structures date from the 17th century.

The studios are independently owned and operated by the artists themselves. Many are open to the public for viewing work in progress, as well as purchasing artworks.”

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