The Career Champions Network

Client: The Career Champions Network

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Website Text Organization, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for The Career Champions Network of Boston, Massachusetts. The site features about this non-profit organization, the school they serve, partners & allies, advisory board info, news & press, photos and more. It’s an amazing organization!

From The Website:
“Working with Madison Park’s accomplished staff, CCN has developed a set of projects and initiatives now underway and designed to create new opportunities for the school’s students to succeed academically and prosper in the labor market.

Our ambition is to assist the Madison Park administration and faculty to create a highly visible and vibrant career readiness culture at Madison Park that will address inequality, inequity and the legacy of racism that has held back too many students in the past.

Mission: The Career Champions Network, or CCN, was established in 2019 to help Madison Park Technical Vocational High School, located in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts, achieve its potential. It is an alliance of leaders from over 40 community, civic, business and labor organizations, with more continuing to join as members and allies.”

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