The Red Shutters

Client: The Red Shutters

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website Build-out, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for The Red Shutters, Warwick, NY. The website features all of their interior design services, an amazing portfolio of work, blog/journal posts, press, online schedule/calendar and more.

From The Website:
“My team and I work with diverse clientele including homeowners, business owners, builders, architects, contractors, and brand managers. Our design work spans all types of projects, from new home builds, remodels, and renovations to corporate, retail, and hospitality spaces.
Our notable designs include:
The Spa at Glenmere Mansion, which was named one of the Top 100 Places in the World to Visit by Departures magazine and highlighted in such prominent media as the New York Times. Other projects include Langdon Hall Country House & Spa in Canada, Tuxedo Park Library, Tuxedo County Club, Liberty Hall Museum.”

See Marina Case/ The Red Shutters work, click here.

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