Building a Website: The Process

Steps for Building a Website

Building A Website

Choosing a website design company is a critical decision. Rest assured, we understand that you’re not just putting a project in our hands, you’re entrusting your business to us. At Devine Design, we work closely with each client to create a site that really represents them and their business.

Here are the steps we take to build websites for our clients.


Nobody understands your business better than you do, so you talk, we listen. We learn everything we can about your business and your goals. Once we better understand your business, we research what others in your industry are doing, both on and offline. We’ll ask you to complete our Website Content Form to be sure we get all the details right.


We spend a lot of time on website navigation. You never want to lose people. We prepare a written plan/schematic to clarify the site’s structure, typically on your WordPress website.


Content is key, content is king. We’ll help develop your content using search engine friendly/keyword rich text that’s clear and easy to read. Less is more when it comes to text. We try to make each word meaningful.

Your Look

We’ll create a design that uses your logo, corporate colors, and company aesthetic, with photos and imagery that work to further your goals. Your site will reflect you and your business. Because this is YOUR website. It needs to synch with all your other stuff: social media, collateral, and more.


Your site will be tested, tested and tested to be sure images load nicely and quickly, links work correctly, content is correct and so much more. We always do a soft launch and test everything on the live platform, as well.

301 Redirects

A 301 redirect is like a mail forwarder. Once you’ve moved a piece of website content from its original URL, anyone who tries to visit it will receive a 404, meaning “page not found message” unless it gets a 301 redirect. A 301 redirect lets search engines know the new location of an older page/similar material. 301 redirects are essential for SEO. If you have an existing website, and we’re redesigning it, we’ll take care of your 301 redirects.


3,2,1… LIFTOFF! We typically launch our websites in the wee hours of the morning, when fewer eyes are on the internet. If you have an existing website, that one is removed, and the new one replacess it. The process typically goes quite quickly.

Website Training

If you want to make changes to your website on your own, we’ll provide you with a login, and teach you the basics you need to know. Some clients love to work on their sites, others prefer we take that responsibility.

Partner Packages

Once we’ve created a beautiful, fast-loading website for your business, that can be found on a basic Google search, we can Partner with you to keep your site working hard for your business. No matter how wonderful your website is, Google requires regular, steady changes for a site to index/rank well. A dormant website cannot continue to rank well. Like computer software, updates to your website software need to be made regularly to prevent malware and spyware. Click for details on our Partner Packages. We do these updates regularly under all of our Partner Packages. Our Partner Packages keep us on your team, so you can get back to your important work!

We are Here for You!

We’re here for you before, during and after your website launch. Call on us with questions, for information, advice and more.

Looking to get a great website? Click here for our Get a Website Quote form to get a custom quote on your next great website!

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