What percentage of my website traffic is mobile?

What percentage of my website traffic is mobile?

Smartphone are everywhere

Smartphones are everywhere. With a smartphone, everyone can be online virtually anywhere, anytime. Given this reality, it’s essential to understand the percentage of internet traffic attributed to mobile devices today.

Pay close attention if you run a business and want to determine where to focus your efforts to reach the largest number of users.

Even if you’re just interested in the current mobile versus desktop usage, read on to discover the latest data on the browsing habits of today’s internet users.

Mobile makes up 58.54% of global internet traffic.

In 2024, mobile internet makes up 58.54% market share. Desktop, in comparison, has a 39.41% share of the total web traffic. The remainder comes on tablets, with 2.05% of total online traffic.

Data shows that the rate of mobile versus desktop internet usage has significantly increased over the last 10 years. There are more smartphone users than ever, an abundance of mobile-friendly websites, and almost everything you can do on a desktop can now be done on a mobile phone.

Mobile will grow and be faster

All indications suggest that global mobile versus desktop internet usage statistics will continue to rise in the coming years as mobile internet becomes faster and more reliable, and as mobile devices grow more powerful and sophisticated.

So make sure your website is mobile friendly. Need assistance? Reach out to Devine Design, click here.

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