3rd Generation Builders

Client: 3rd Generation Builders

What We Did: Responsive WordPress Website, Logo Design & Development, Website Text Assistance, Website Hosting, Website Updates, and Maintenance.

Website for 3rd Generation Builders, Ulster County NY. The site features their services, about the company, gorgeous portfolio photos, press, and more.

From The Website:
“3rd Generation Builders is a multi-disciplinary family of skilled craftspeople, covering all facets of construction, from excavation to fine finishes: modern, contemporary, minimalist, traditional, historic, ornate, or simple and functional. 3rd Generation Builders is committed to building your vision.

Our passion and work ethic blends numerous elements: respect for the land, our desire to build homes not houses, expert traditional craftsmanship, embracing new construction techniques & practices and our desire to exceed the expectations of every client.

Our three generations of experience also guarantees that the process and deliverables of a build or renovation of any scale, are transparent and easy. Every project is a priority and every client is a valued relationship.”

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